Saturday 28 December 2013

Sunday 15 December 2013

What Hobbits like

A Hobbit inspired drawing from the Prologue of Lord of the Rings

Sepia pencil and wash on 300gsm watercolor board

Saturday 14 December 2013

Childrens story Submarine

Here is a picture of a submarine for an idea for a childrens book I had...

Pen, brush and ink on cartridge paper

Life Drawing#3

Another selection of sketches, pencil on 150gsm cartridge.

I had to adjust the tones again on this one for the purpose of scanning


Here are a couple of working sketches of Perseus in search of Medusa.

Pencil on 150gsm cartridge

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Sketches from a bus

I decided to try some sketches on my way to work. It's not easy on two counts. One: drawing on a bus and two: remove ring how things look as you zoom past 

Sunday 8 December 2013

Life Drawing#1

I've never been great at drawing women, so I have spent a bit of time recently drawing them. There is little opportunity to life draw round where I live, but there is plenty of stuff online......steady on, not like that:-)

Here are a couple of recent ones:

Saturday 7 December 2013

Saint Michael and the Devil tattoo design

Ive never designed a tattoo but I was commissioned to design one based on this painting by Guido Reni (1575-1642):

Here's the sketch, apologies as the scan didn't come out too well so I had play around with the contrast, but I hope you get the idea:

I will post a photo of the tattoo once its done.....


My daughter saw this and said 'Dad, whats wrong with you?'

A spot that was in fact a nest of baby spiders in it seems perfectly OK to me....

Pencil on paper

Friday 6 December 2013

Fancy lamppost from saltaire

Something a bit different, I love A town near us called Saltaire. This lamppost is white pencil on black paper

Here are a couple of pencil sketches on A5 paper, the one on the left is called 'Owd Lad' (shown in my first post, this one is a better scan) and the one on the right is a Troll Berserker. 

Thursday 5 December 2013

Roman Legionary 2013

 I have a real passion for Ancient history, especially the Romans (probably inherited from my old pa)

Pen, brush and Ink on Watercolour Board

Slaying Dragons is thirsty work

Pen, brush and ink on Bristol Board

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Hello World

Welcome to the first post on my online sketchbook.

My intention is to post some of the pictures that I have draw and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have drawing them. When I was younger I used to draw A LOT and over time I will post them and the worlds I created. So much so that at one point I got housemaids knee because I spent so much time hunched over kneeling. In my late teens I stopped drawing for reasons I wont bore you with, but over the last couple of years that love of drawing has been re-invigorated and boy, am I making up for lost time.

This fine gentleman is Owd Lad, he may be knocking on a bit, need to pee several times a night but he's more than a match for any Mountain Troll.